Ke'ath Campaign

Silvanus Encyclopedia

Nameless Encyclopedia

Ke'ath Campaign Timeline

Session Notes:

Nameless Session Notes
Silvanus Session Notes

  1. 01 - 07.30.2023 - Timberfall 2 Electric Boogaloo
    TLDR: Time loops 2 and 3 happen here. In time loop 2, Kartoshka fireballs the guillotine and discovers the other slices of Timberfall. In time loop 3, Kartoshka and Silvanus completely ignore the impending death of Nessa and explore the rest of Timberfall. Time loop 3 has not ended yet.
  2. 02 - 08.20.2023 - Timberfall 3 The Pipeline
    TLDR: Time loop 3 happens, we keep exploring, my character runs into the tree and starts a massive fight with The Mage and The Tree. We learn more about how the Tree came to be and supposedly, why it's doing what it is.
  3. 03 - 09.12.2023 - Timberfall 4 The Plan
    TLDR: Time loop 4 happens, we figure out what's going on and we confront the Mage about it and then we somehow come up with a plan to try to save everyone and release everyone from the time loop
  4. 04 - 09.18.2023 - Timberfall 5 Freefall
  5. 05 - 06.25-2024 - Remembrance